
A Picnic

Thank you. Thank you. THANK YOU.... for your comments, advice, and insight on the witching hour(s) that I spoke of struggling with in this recent post. I have since felt a renewed energy toward my long afternoons with the Smalls. We have changed our routine a bit and have spent time on the porch, walked, bathed, and watched many a Veggie Tale during these hours. After hearing what other mamas are doing I feel less guilty for letting him play alone for some time and better equipped to handle the home stretch of the day. Y'all had some great ideas!


This morning I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off. For one, SG and I stayed up too late last night. For two, I had an OB appointment that took an hour longer than I expected. The nurses forgot about me in the waiting room. Darn nurses. Really, they felt terrible and I could sympathize with them being that I once was a nurse and still pretend to be one a couple weekends a month. Unfortunately, I missed my ladies' Bible study because of the mishap. But all is well.

Brother and I still had time for our picnic. (Stephen Grande has started to call Smalls - Brother, and its starting to stick.)

I have a creative friend who is always planning fantastic kid-friendly activities. She asked us to join her and her girls for a picnic after Bible study.

The picnic was so fun except I WENT TO THE WRONG PARK.

I had gotten there a little early being that I missed my Bible study.

So Stephen Small and I went on with our sandwiches.

and Cheetoes (the child is going to turn in to a Cheetoe - he loves em).

We then packed our things after hearing from my friend that I was indeed at the wrong park.

Fortunately the parks are in the same neighborhood, so it took one minute to get to right park . We visited, we swang, we avoided two major falls. It was SO fun.

And then I got so blazin' hot in my maternity jeans.

So we quickly called it a day.

 I see many picnics in our future. Picnics make me feel old fashioned. And I love feeling old fashioned.

Hope you all are having a great week! Friday is coming fast.


whitney said...

Picnic in the mountains? Yes m'am!

Lynn Beck said...

SS has an old fashioned look about him. I'll have to get used to "brother," but it might stick.It would definitely work better if you have a girl (which I'm predicting).

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