Saturday we (me, Stephen Small, & Grande) took a trip down to the ol' huntin camp. This was probably the greatest gift we could have given Grande because to say that he LOVES this place does not begin to describe his affection for it. And the fact that we went there with him to spend the day translates to him that I am the coolest wife ever and that I love him dearly.
And I must say we had a wonderful time. Join me as I give a little recap. I will warn you though...this might get long.
As we arrived, after driving down old dirt roads, we rounded our last corner and saw this. A quaint, little, surprisingly very clean cabin. I love it. I find it old fashion. Classic. I would actually spend the night there sometime.
Once we unloaded all the baby gear that it requires to go somewhere for a day, we set out on a "nature walk." The sky was this blue. Gorgeous.
As you can see, we tested the abilities of our stroller. I must say that I can now officially recommend Kolcraft strollers with confidence.
Stephen Small had a fine time. He loves a good nature walk. Isn't he handsome?
As we "hiked" our lazy friends circled us on four wheelers. They stopped to talk to us for a minute.
But not for long because we had to get to the pond by sunset. Stephen Grande tells me that the pond is the pride and joy of the whole place.
So we hiked up the hill and rounded the corner. A picture paints a thousand words, don't you think?
And alas we arrived at the pond. Bea-u-ti-ful!
That Oak tree is perfectly rounded.
At this point we got Stephen Small out of the stroller and frolicked around with him for a bit.
Grande put him on his shoulders, which is up very high, because Grande is a tall guy. You can't really tell from this picture below, but Stephen Small thought this was the funniest thing ever.
He had a good giggle from being on his daddy's shoulders. I find it hilarious what makes 6 and 1/2 months olds laugh.
And then we put Stephen Small back in the stroller and headed back down the mountain. Well, not really a mountain, just a good hill.
When we got down the hill our friends were shooting skeet (skeet are orange disc you shoot to practice your riflery skills for those of you that don't live with hunters.)
The gunshots were loud so we put earmuffs on the youngn' to preserve his hearing. He was getting pretty sleepy by this point so I went back to the cabin a little early.
The others joined me shortly.
And some of us changed out of muddied blue jeans into cute jams (that's what we call pj's at our house.)
I forgot Stephen Small's toys, but we had plenty of new faces and clear plastic solo cups to keep us entertained.
The men folk stood around and told funny stories (some appropriate, some inappropriate) while they wrapped quail in bacon for our appetizer.
And I tossed together my favorite broccoli slaw. Here's the recipe:
1 package broccoli slaw
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
2 green onions diced
1 package Ramen noodles
1/2 cup toasted sliced almonds
dressing: 1/2 cup salad oil, 1/4 cup sugar, 1/4 cup vinegar
Pour on dressing right before serving.
After our quail bites (not pictured) we threw some kabobs on the grill.
*I bought 4 of these at Winn Dixie for a total of $7.80 buy one get one free. Don't you love a good deal? Especially B.O.G.O. That means buy one get one. I just learned that and I've been wondering what BOGO means for months.
Finally, after we stuffed our faces with bacon and cream cheese wrapped quail bites, steak, broccoli slaw, twice baked potatoes, Texas toast, and beer we sat around the campfire and reminisced about the good ol' days. Just kidding...these are the good ol' days.
Big George would be so proud of you and Grande!! This was the kind of thing that he -- like Grande - absolutely loved!!
Stephen Small is absolutely wonderful. Can hardly wait to see him and all of you.
It stinks that I had to go there being the only girl with all of those boys 2 weekends ago. I need an award for that.
Wish we could've been there. It makes me sick!
well aren't ya'll the cutest little family!? looks like all of you had fun...what a GORGEOUS day!!
so fun SB!! love the play-by-play :)
DO NOT MAKE AWARE THE LOCATION OF SAID HUNTING CAMP. It's secret location locks in the goodness. :)
Sarah Barry,
I had such a great time with ya'll! Thanks for posting the Broccoli Slaw recipe-- It was delicious! I love all of your pictures too! I'm so glad that I got to spend a great afternoon with your family! See you soon,
little Stephen is so cute with those earmuffs. :-)
You're so right SB...these are your "good ole days" girl! What a wonderful trip...good wife, good mommie...Love to you, Small and Grande (I think I've been calling daddy Stephen Large..(he is TALL) sorry.. :o)
Hey SB! I've just "rediscovered" your blog and I love it. I can hear your voice in my head when I read your writing. It makes me feel as if there hasn't been 100 years since we were trying to live it up in Greenville, MS. :)
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