Before I get to talking about our morning routine...take a look at this.
This was all fine and dandy when Stephen was 2 weeks old, but now he's almost 4 months and aware of the world...smiling, laughing, playing. You can look at his face and just see all the learning that's going on inside.
So, in an attempt to be a good mother fueled by my desire for him to grow up and be a decent human being, I have incorporated play time and reading into our morning activities.
This is our first book...The Jesus Storybook Bible by Sally Lloyd-Jones & Illustrated by Jago.
It was a gift from Bobbi and G (my in-laws and Stephen's grandparents).
These below are just a few of my favorites. Really all the stories are my favorite because they are so beautifully written and illustrated.
I really liked this bird and wanted to include him. He's perched in the tree with Zacchaeus.
and SO many more...I really couldn't narrow down which pictures to put in here.
Or to tell them about Jesus!
First, you got Stephen a play mat with a Mr. Snuffles! (just a suggestion, you know how I like naming YOUR child's animals). Second, I have heard the best things about that book. I'm going to need to buy it. Third, I was contemplating doing a post on OUR morning routine AND books. Stop it, we are too n*sync (that's for aunt lulu). Lastly, I am a long winded commenter.
no, wait. that's hoppy days. J's hoppy days does not have a Mr. Snuffles.
So cute to name your child's toy animals. Now if I do it I'll be copying....
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