Another part of today's weirdness is in my sleepy haze I don't know how much or when I fed my child. I know without a doubt that I fed him at 10. I might have fed him at 2, but I don't know for sure. I honestly don't remember. At 3, when I woke up I fed him just to be one the safe side. He acted hungry, so the 2 o'clock feeding was probably just a dream. I'm so confused...I think I'll make some coffee (that's always a good idea right?).
On baby clothes...Remember a few weeks ago, I said I was going to get some more onesies monogrammed for Stephen.'s done and they are oh so cute.
On the Pioneer Woman...Who is she? A lady named Ree Drummond who has a really cool famous blog. She's a professional . I've hesitated to get into it because her website is so addicting. Its like crack cocaine. Also, I'm a year behind trends. Anyways, she's pretty much the reason why I have changed my mind about moving to the country and homeschooling. Just kidding, kind of. Also, her recipes look amazing. I want to try this and this and this. I'm going to link her website under My Friends' blogs.
On the upcoming weekend...I have great plans. My 3 college friends and I are getting together in Huntsville. I'm so looking forward to spending time with them. We got together about this time last year. Three of us have had babies since then- all boys. I'm not sure if it will be more like a college friend reunion or a Le Leche League convention. Regardless, we will have a good time.
SB -- I just love your blogs. I'm always happy when I click on and there's a new post!
Have a great time this weekend and take lots of pictures!!
And get some good sleep.
Love you --
sb your blog i enjoy so very much. i would like to sell your happy birthday banner in my store. e byram
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