So this is the project I was working on with all that gorgeous fabric! A child's birthday banner. More specifically, Stephen Small's birthday banner.
Honestly, I thought I had given up on sewing, but I decided that I (even I) could sew. I just needed to start with projects that are FUN and ones that the end goal was not to wear the item on my body. There is no need for me to sew my own clothes in a world with Target and Old Navy.
But wait...
The coolest thing about this banner is that it is reversible....
Happy Birthday to sister...
No, I'm not expecting, but I thought it would be fun to make a girl side in hopes of one day having a daughter. If not, then I'm just happy to loan it to Stephen Small's girl cousins and friends.
His response..." didn't."
I think the terms crafting and crafter are hysterical, but turns out I am one...HA HA.
I, Sarah Barry, am a crafter.
I enjoy crafting.
I own 2 glue guns.
Can we all laugh out loud about that?
If you are interested in making one here are the how to's....
*Note...I used a regular 8 x 11 sheet of paper as my scale for both letters and background fabric.
Step 1- Go buy a ton of cute boy and girl fabric. I bought 14 boy patterns and 14 girl. You could scale back if you don't feel so crazy. Make sure you get contrasting fabrics so the letters will show up.
Step 2- Cut out your letters on regular typing paper. I wanted mine to be uniform so I bought some sticker letters at Office Max and enlarged them on a copy machine on a plain piece of paper. I then cut out the letters.
Step 3- Place letters backwards on applique paper and trace. You will see the reason for this in a minute.
Iron letter to background fabric. I only takes about 10 seconds.
Step 8-Putting it all together. I made a long ribbon out of scraps to sew all the rectangles to, sandwiching it (the ribbon) between the rectangle and the quilt lining...I then sewed all the letters on one by one. I also sewed loops on each end to hang the banner up with.
I think I confused myself writing this tutorial. Sorry if some steps are unclear. I'm so new to sewing I don't even have the vocabulary to describe some of this stuff, but hopefully the pictures helped. I think this would be a great gift for someone very special!

omg this is soooooo cute! i think i might have to make this. i love your blog by the way! i added it a while back to a list that updates through my email.... i'm such a blog stalker. :)
So cute! I'm very impressed with how "crafty" you are! Could I just pay you to make me one?!?!
This is the CUTEST thing! What a great idea.
This is amazing! I would never have thought to do that, and yet again you have found a way to take ordinary things and make them unique! I feel inspired to try my hand at sewing now!
this is fantastic and inspiring... all i ever sew are curtains it seems. that gets so old. and i have so many scraps! and i also love textiles, its why i started sewing in the first place, so this is perfect! what a grand idea. i feel so excited about this... i think i'll email this to my mom so she can be proud of you too.
SB, I LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!! I love that you're crafty :) Makes me feel super lazy for buying my bday banner off of etsy for G's bday.....(hangs head in shame) Good for you, looks awesome!
Adorable!! You are such a crafter! Great idea to do the girl and boy sides.
How cute and so clever SB Crafter! What a nice tradition you've started for all the Spooners of the future!
Love it! I envy your crafting skills.
sb i left a message on another article of yours about the banner. it said i want to sale them at my store. you are a breath of fresh air to me and im sure to others. you are going to be famous one day. keep them coming. e byram.
SB- That is amazing!! I am so, so impressed with your skills. Just don't mention to J that I will not be sewing for his birthday... :)
very cool! I am impressed!
i LOVE it!
i used to think the word "crafty" was a bad one but in the past few years, i consider it a compliment. you are definitely crafty!
That looks so cute, I love the fabric you used!
Cute! Cute! i love it!
The boy/girl sides are a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing. I've posted a link.
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