About this time last year, I found myself quite interested in gardening. I started with a small Zinnia, tomato, and herb garden. It was semi-successful but lots of fun just the same. This year I needed a gardening fix without too much maintenace. My landscape designer friend, JTF III, advised me to plant some Begonias. They are hearty and require little sun or water. Best of all they look beautiful in our flower bed. I also have some herbs, Dianthus, and Coleus growing in pots. With each new plant I experiment with, I learn so much. By no means do I claim to have a green thumb but I will share a few things I've learned....and some pictures.
SB's gardening tips...
1. Keep it simple. Start with 1 or 2 plants and slowly build up to more.
2. Find a mentor. I reley on my mother in law and landscape designer friend, JTF III.
3. Plant what is good for your yard. If you have lots of shade, find a plant that thrives in shade. If lots of sun, take advantage of it and find plants that love the sun.
4. Use good soil. I suggest Miracle Grow potting or gardening soil.
5. Plant what you like and don't be afraid to try new things!
A few plant pics.....
Herbs...Rosemary and Parsley. I had Basil too, but I planted it too early. This last wave of cold weather killed it. See...live and learn.
Coleus...Don't you just love the funky purple,pink, and lime green?!
Dianthus, a house warming gift from my MIL. These come in all shade of pink!

My prized Begonias

Dogwood tree. While these blooms have come and gone, I cannot take any credit for them. The tree came with the house.

Rose bush also came with the house. I found it in our side yard. What a treat!
I love the flowers and am still waiting on the baby. (I bet you are too.)
Love to you and the "boat guy."
looks fantastic!! can't wait to try out some herbs. maybe you can be my mentor. happy due date!!
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