Our friend James......James Theodore Farmer III. Both Stephen Grande and I go way back with James. And if our relationship doesn't show God's sense of humor, then I don't know what does. The connections we have with James are astounding...the mutual friends, the places we've lived. We run into each other all over the corners of the Southeast region. The first year Grande and I were married, we lived in his hometown. And now that we've moved JTFIII has coincidentally opened a branch of his business in our current city. I could go on and on. He was in our wedding. He came to see us in the hospital when Stephen Small was born. I used to stay at his grandparents house when visiting Grande in Georgia before we were married. So based on our history this is only the beginning of our beautiful tangled web of a friendship. We can't get away from each other (not that we are trying to).

But what you really need to know about James is that he is a
very talented landscape designer of great renown. A master of his trade. He has been featured in just about every home and garden magazine that's worth reading...i.e. Southern Living. He has a wealth of knowledge. He is a natural. And since JTFIII is such a great friend, he has volunteered to be a guest on my blog over the course of this week. He will be sharing all kinds of tidbits about gardening, cooking, entertaining, etc. So stick around this week and see what the "Farmer" has to say.

And you locals would be interested to know that JTFIII has a new shop in Old Cloverdale across from Nancy's. He will be hosting a big open house soon that you will not want to miss. Bring your husbands and show them what you want for Christmas.

Happy Tuesday! And don't forget to check in tomorrow for JTFIII's post!
I'm already impressed with his work and it isn't even tomorrow. I'm a very disorganized gardener and can use tips.
S.B. -- You are such a good writer!
I love James!!! I can't wait to see his store! He makes everyone feel like his best friend!
I'm intrigued...how fun.
I didn't mean to be "anonymous"...sorry.
oh yay! James makes me smile, I miss him :) Can't wait to glean from his expertise.
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