Stephen Grande (aka Mr. mom) even took him to church by himself a couple of weeks ago. All the other moms (and dads) were impressed that he managed to get him dressed. He did relay that he had a freak out moment when he was sitting in Sunday school and wasn't sure if he put little Stephen's outfit on right. But several of the other dads were quick to comfort him with their stories about dressing their kids in all kinds of crazy, wrong ways. I guess getting children dressed is just a mom thing (most of the time).
This past weekend the bonding was taken to a new level because our sweet little guy came down with his first cold. All there is to fight the common cold in a 4 month old is Tylenol and a bulb syringe. That's just not enough if you ask me. The poor baby was SO miserable. And that made us all miserable, and now all three of us have this nasty little virus.
Really we are fine, just blowing our noses every 5 seconds.
Sometimes when I come home from work I discover pictures taken by Stephen Grande.
And the food below is Stephen Grande's breakfast yesterday. Love it. I think he's spent too much time around me taking pictures of our food.
In other events around here...I didn't drink coffee this morning or yesterday. If you know me this should shock you. The reason I went without was I have this stupid cold. For some reason when I have a sickness, I don't want coffee, I prefer breakfast tea with milk and sugar. It is good for my soul. It is even better for my soul to drink it out of one of our Woodland mugs. With the tiny hint of fall in the air, I couldn't resist.
And in closing, I leave you with sweet images of my little sicky...
Hey SB
I am glad to see that you have found the Carter's line of animal clothing. Awhile back when you were talking about the lack of cute clothes for boys and abundance of inappropraite ones I almost commented on some cute Carter's onesies. I refuse to put Jackson in anything sports related right now. That is my pet peeve. I also can't stand big boy clothes on him. No button up shirts or blue jeans! Lil Stephen is a cutie! Take care
We've all had it too! Feel better, Spooners! If you had a give-away from the china you could be pioneer woman...
I am so impressed with Stephen Grande-- especially for the beautiful fried eggs... and, of course, for getting Stephen looking so great.
I hope you all feel better soon.
SB- i have the woodlands china too!!!! everyone kept asking me if i got it because torrent was a hunter and i kept saying "no, i like the animals and outdoors too!" ive never met anyone else that has it... exciting!
and i only break it out in the fall too... unless of course there are not enough clean mugs of our other pattern. ha
hope yall feel better!
Poor sick Spooners! Hope y'all feel better soon. And thanks for the know how bad I am at that, haha :)
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